1、韩剧《我的名字叫金三顺》主题曲《Be My Love》。
2、《Be My Love》英文版完整歌词
let it play the song of the joy
now my darling be my precious
let it play the song of the joy
now my darling be my precious
keep me under pressure
its alright
fade me to your nation
its so fine
all I ever asked was matter of time
would you risk your soul
all I ever asked was a place to stay
have no else to find
but its so round round round
just matter of time now
keep on swinging keep on dreaming
round round round
thousand pieces of joy now
keep on smiling keep on dreaming
Your imagination seems so fine
Floating in your nation its so right
all I ever asked was matter of time
would you feel my soul
all I ever asked was a place to hide
have no else to go
but its so round round round
just matter of time now
keep on swinging keep on dreaming
round round round
deeply to your soul now
I wanna get you all you are the reason why I sing now
and I feel so fine
because you make me so smile
wont you be my love
and come a little closer
let me feel your heart
because you make me so fine
wont you be my love
wont you be my love
its alright
its alright
its alright
its alright
1、WSN意思是“猥琐男”,来自于拼音首字母缩写。是一种含蓄的说法。2、猥琐男,指说的话或行为怪异的人,含贬义。多出现在小说、漫画里或网络中。被称为这类人的大多目光涣散、混沌,给人以不怀好意之感,眼神基本只注意女性。网络(0)人阅读时间:2024-09-02作为背景音乐最多的BGM有什么 作为背景音乐最多的BGM列述
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作为背景音乐最多的BGM有什么 作为背景音乐最多的BGM列述