I feel a distance growing inside of me
Growing inside my heart
Growing so much its keeping us apart
I feel resistance
Pulling you from my love
Holding you from my touch
Like nothing I do will ever be enough
Answer the question
Youre living lies
You lie to me
And I aint gonna take no more
Ive learned a lesson
So many nights
Now I can see
Youre not the one for me no no
You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
I feel your body
Slipping away from me
Further and out of reach
Gravity makes it hard for me to see
You keep me guessing
Standing on solid ground
When it crumbles Im falling down
Spinning because youre messin me around
Answer the question
Youre living lies
You lie to me
Youre not the one for me no no
You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
No you no longer love the same way
No you no you no you no
Same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
2、《Gone》是易烊千玺演唱的歌曲,Dimitri Tikovoi、Dave Gibson填词作曲,收录于易烊千玺2019年12月20日发行的专辑《温差感》中。
龙门飞甲电影剧情 龙门飞甲电影剧情解析
1、剧情简介:明朝宪宗年间,宦官弄权,滥杀贤臣。侠客赵怀安在营救忠良行动中,将恶贯满盈的东厂督主万喻楼一剑毙命,引来西厂督主雨化田,祭出天下格杀令。赵怀安等人一路亡命到嘉峪关的龙门,消失于铺天盖地的黑沙暴中。尘消风散后,(0)人阅读时间:2024-03-13亲爱的你在哪里原唱 亲爱的你在哪里原唱歌词歌
《亲爱的你在哪里》是龙飞、门丽演唱的一首歌曲,由陈金文、刘艳梅作词,李青作曲。歌词:女:三月的细雨,像醉人的恋曲 拥挤人群里 哪一个是你男:归来的鸿雁 诉说着别离就连风儿也偷偷的想你女:如水的思念 就像温柔的细雨走过了四(0)人阅读时间:2024-03-13御赐小仵作冷月的扮演者(御赐小仵作冷月扮演者多高)
1、扮演冷月的演员叫赵尧珂。冷月是电视剧《御赐小仵作》中的角色。2、冷月出身于武将世家。与萧瑾瑜,景翊一同长大,官宦世家却做江湖人,一身黑红色劲装的女侠,凭借一手精妙剑法仗剑江湖。3、赵尧珂(Yaoke Zhao),出生(0)人阅读时间:2024-03-13新白娘子传奇电视剧剧情 新白娘子传奇电视剧剧情介绍全集
龙门飞甲电影剧情 龙门飞甲电影剧情解析
亲爱的你在哪里原唱 亲爱的你在哪里原唱歌词歌