Just after finishing my college, I along with two other friends planned to start a small business. It would be 2015, I guess, and I was convinced to be part of this business and borrowed the money from my father. Besides my university, I got serious about our new venture and I had been able to return the money within a year that I took from my father as a loan. When I returned the money to my father, he seemed surprised and I explained to him how our interior design house is flourishing day by day. He told me that he was quite astonished that our little venture eventually saw the light of success.
I thanked him for the money and explained how we worked together to make it a success. I also showed my gratitude and mentioned that without his money, I could not have been a part of this business.
In numerous times, I borrowed books, laptops, music player, money, CDs and so on from my friends and relatives but the two thousand dollars I took from my father was something quite different and I am lucky that I decided to borrow it from my father for a good reason.
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