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washes怎么读 clothes怎么读

时间:2023-04-15人气:作者: 佚名

washes怎么读 clothes怎么读

1、washes 英[wɒʃ] 美[wɑːʃ]

2、v.洗( wash的第三人称单数 );洗涤;冲;(向着某一方向)流动。

3、While residents bathe , the sdf washes their clothes .在灾民们洗澡的时候,自卫队给他们洗衣服。

4、One clo is the difference between being naked and wearing a typical business suit ; who knew there was an actual quantifier for that ? Second , it s got to be army-laundry tough , withstanding at least 20 washes .赤身裸体和一身西装也就是一件衣服的区别;谁又会在乎是不是真的有一个量词在前面呢?其次,它必须像军装一样禁穿耐磨,要能禁得起至少20次以上的洗涤。

标签: washes