Fabric OS (WOLFB300SWA)
Fabos Version 6.4.2a
WOLFB300SWA login: admin
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgshow
Defined configuration:
cfg: WOLFB300SWA
zone: P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a
1,0; 1,2
Effective configuration:
cfg: WOLFB300SWA
zone: P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a
WOLFB300SWA:admin> zonecreate "P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a","1,0;1,3"
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfg
cfgactvshow cfgcreate cfgenable cfgsave cfgsize
cfgadd cfgdelete cfgmcdtmode cfgsaveactivetodefined cfgtransabort
cfgclear cfgdisable cfgremove cfgshow cfgtransshow
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd
error: Usage: cfgadd "arg1", "arg2"
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd "P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a","WOLFB300SWA"
"P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a" wrong type
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd "WOLFB300SWA","P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a"
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgenable WOLFB300SWA
You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected. If the update includes changes
to one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result in
localized disruption to traffic on ports associated with
the traffic isolation zone changes
Do you want to enable 'WOLFB300SWA' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
zone config "WOLFB300SWA" is in effect
Updating flash ...
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgsave
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
action will only save the changes on Defined configuration.
Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not
take effect until it is re-enabled.
Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
Nothing changed: nothing to save, returning ...
WOLFB300SWA:admin> zoneshow
Defined configuration:
cfg: WOLFB300SWA
P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a; P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a
zone: P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a
1,0; 1,3
zone: P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a
1,0; 1,2
Effective configuration:
cfg: WOLFB300SWA
zone: P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a
zone: P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfg
cfgactvshow cfgcreate cfgenable cfgsave cfgsize
cfgadd cfgdelete cfgmcdtmode cfgsaveactivetodefined cfgtransabort
cfgclear cfgdisable cfgremove cfgshow cfgtransshow
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgremove "WOLFB300SWA","P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a"
WOLFB300SWA:admin> zonedelete "P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a"
WOLFB300SWA:admin> zonecreate "P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a","1,0;1,3"
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd "WOLFB300SWA","P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a"
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgenable WOLFB300SWA
You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected. If the update includes changes
to one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result in
localized disruption to traffic on ports associated with
the traffic isolation zone changes
Do you want to enable 'WOLFB300SWA' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
zone config "WOLFB300SWA" is in effect
Updating flash ...
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgsave
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
action will only save the changes on Defined configuration.
Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not
take effect until it is re-enabled.
Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
Nothing changed: nothing to save, returning ...
NB300SWA:admin> zoneshow
Defined configuration:
cfg: WOLFB300SWA
P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a; P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a
zone: P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a
1,0; 1,3
zone: P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a
1,0; 1,2
Effective configuration:
cfg: WOLFB300SWA
zone: P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a
zone: P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a
WOLFB300SWA:admin> zonecreate "P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a","1,0;1,3"
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd "WOLFB300SWA","P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a"
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgenable WOLFB300SWA
WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgsave
WOLFB300SWA:admin>zonecreate “P750lp2_hba2_HDS2300_1b","2,1;2,4"
WOLFB300SWA:admin>cfgadd “WOLFB300SWB”,” P750lp2_hba2_HDS2300_1b”
WOLFB300SWB:admin> cfgenable WOLFB300SWB
WOLFB300SWB:admin> cfgsave
WOLFB300SWB:admin> cfgshow
WOLFB300SWB:admin> zoneshow
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