Christmas is one of the most beautiful holidays of all time. It is the day when Gods son was born on earth. Hence, this day is sacred for all Christians around the world. The Christmas season gives rise to a number of Christmas traditions that come along. Here are a few of them that are celebrated with zest and enthusiasm worldwide for centuries.
On this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees.
2、Preparation of the Christmas cake 烘烤圣诞蛋糕
This was an English tradition which started centuries ago. On Christmas eve, plum porridge was served to the people. As years passed, various other things like dry fruits, honey and spices were used. Soon this porridge got replaced with the Christmas cake. Christmas cakes are made using eggs, butter, confections, fruits, etc. Today a Christmas cake is an integral part of a Christmas menu.
3、Decorating the Christmas tree 装扮圣诞树
This refers to the tradition of decorating a pine tree using lights, tinsels, garlands, ornaments, candy canes, etc. Today, a Christmas tree is an indispensable part of Christmas celebration.
关于元旦的由来和故事 关于元旦的由来和故事简短
1、说起元旦节,其实还要追溯自三皇五帝时期,话说当时尧帝勤政为民,一生为老百姓做了很多好事,不过尧的儿子是个没出息的,尧就没有把部落传给儿子,而是选择了品德高尚、能力突出的舜。尧在死前,也叮嘱舜要把位子传给德才兼备的人,(0)人阅读时间:2023-05-31鹦鹉怎么读 鹦鹉怎么读拼音
1、鹦鹉拼音:[yīng wǔ];2、鹦鹉类在世界各地都有分布。分布在温、亚热、热带的广大地域。种类非常繁多,有2科、82属、358种,是鸟纲最大的科之一。主要分布于热带森林中。在南半球有些种类扩展到温带地区,也有一些种(0)人阅读时间:2023-05-31湘赣怎么读 湘赣怎么读gan
1、湘赣拼音:[xiāng gàn];2、湘:湖南省。省会长沙。由来:以境内大河名称为简称的有湖南,以在洞庭湖之南而得名。唐属江南西道和黔中道,后设湖南观察使,为湖南得名的开始,宋称湖南路,元设岭北湖南道,明属湖广省,后(0)人阅读时间:2023-05-31疁怎么读音(疁城怎么读音)
1、疁拼音:[liú] ;2、烧去草木之后下种:“吴北野禺栎东所舍大疁者。吴王田也。”3、开沟引水灌溉:“开江西~田千馀顷,以为军储。”4、地名:疁城(上海市嘉定区的简称)、虎疁(苏州市浒墅关的旧名)。5、古县名:疁县。(0)人阅读时间:2023-05-31圣诞手抄报的内容英文和翻译(圣诞手抄报的内容英文和翻译简单)
关于元旦的由来和故事 关于元旦的由来和故事简短
鹦鹉怎么读 鹦鹉怎么读拼音
湘赣怎么读 湘赣怎么读gan