1、英文:May 1st International Labor Day originated from the strike of workerscongresses in Chicago, USA. On May 1, 1886, more than 216,000 workers in Chicago went on a general strike for the eight-hour work system. After a painstaking and bloody struggle, they finally won. In commemoration of this great workersmovement, the Second International announced in July 1889 that May 1 will be designated as International Labor Day every year.
In September 1999, the State Council reformed and promulgated a new statutory vacation system. Every year, the National Day, Spring Festival and May Day statutory holidays are added with reverse vacation, and the national vacation lasts for 7 days. Since then, the tourism consumption fever triggered by the three Golden Weeks has become a new bright spot in Chinas economic life, and the holiday economy has become a new topic that people enjoy talking about.
The significance of International Labor Day lies in the fact that the laborers have won their legitimate rights and interests through struggle and with indomitable and heroic spirit of struggle. This is the historical progress of human civilization and democracy. This is the essence of May Day. So people pay so much attention to Labor Day.
1、凿圆枘方[záo yuán ruì fāng] 比喻不调协,扞格不入。同“方枘圆凿2、枘凿冰炭[ruì záo bīng tàn] 比喻事物尖锐对立,互不相容。3、万枘圆凿[wàn ruì yuán záo] (‘凿(0)人阅读时间:2023-12-02垆组词有哪些(垆组词有哪些呢)
1、垆土[lú tǔ] 黑色坚硬而质粗不粘的土壤。2、黄垆[huáng lú] 犹黄泉。坟墓。后世因用“黄垆”作悼念亡友之辞。3、酒垆[jiǔ lú] 卖酒处安置酒瓮的砌台。亦借指酒肆﹑酒店。4、东垆[dōng lú](0)人阅读时间:2023-12-02喉组词有哪些(喉组词有哪些呢)
1、如鲠在喉[rú gěng zài hóu] 鱼骨头卡在喉咙里。比喻心里有话没有说出来,非常难受。2、白喉[bái hóu] 白喉杆菌引起的一种喉部疾病,患者多为小儿,重的可以致命。3、喉咙[hóu lóng] (名)(0)人阅读时间:2023-12-02五一劳动节的由来英文版 五一劳动节的由来英文版手抄报